Semen Freezing


Benefits of frozen semen include long-term storage and ability to preserve breeding potential for future generations, beyond the lifetime of the stud. Frozen semen is believed to last indefinitely as long as it is kept under proper storage and handling conditions.

Graham Animal Hospital is a recognized member of ICSB (International Canine Semen Bank) and is worldwide known for exceptional quality frozen semen.

For the semen freeze procedure, we start with semen collection and evaluation. Ideally, the sperm before freezing should have 85-90% progressive motility and >75% of sperm cells should be morphologically normal. Once it has been determined that the semen meets the requirements for quantity and quality, we will then add extender and proceed with the freezing process. Using techniques and procedures that we have developed over the years we will preserve sperm cells in pellet form. After the freeze is completed, a sample pellet is then thawed to ensure that the post-thaw motility of the semen is adequate to achieve a pregnancy.

Owner will receive a full report of semen analysis and freezing data, including the number of breedings (doses) available from each semen collection. The number of breedings depends on dog’s size, quantity and quality of semen before the freeze, as well as post thaw-motility after the freeze. We aim for 150-250 million of motile cells per breeding, depending on the size of the breed.